What is chiropractic?

When we can consult a chiropractor?
Chiropractic care services:
At Chiro du Village
At Chiro du village you should expect to spend a full initial exam. Depending on your needs, a phase of treatment is could be initiated and different therapeutic approaches can be used: spinal manipulation, assisted spinal traction, articular mobilisation, active massage, neurocryostimulation, etc. Ultimately, a preventive monitoring will be offered in order to avoid any recurrence of your condition. Preventive monitoring may include various modalities: exercise program, optimization of health over the development of a food diary, ergonomic workstation analysis, etc.
In enterprise
Your employees suffer from musculoskeletal troubles? You want to restrict loss of time? You think your business could benefit from adaptations of work stations? Why not consider offering a combination of chiropractic care and ergonomics to your employees? There are multiple arrangements possible.
In residence (for senior citizens)
My cares are well adapted to senior’s life rhythm. In the good comfort of your retirement home, let your residents receive global chiropractic treatments that could help them to stay autonomous as long as possible!